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We were awarded!
In the first year since Design94 was founded and our first premium product line "Titanium" was launched, the Titanium Shaving Set was awarded the German Design Award Special Mention by the German Design Council in the Excellent Product Design category - Bath & Wellness category.
The German Design Award is the premium award from the German Design Council. With its global spectrum and international appeal, it is one of the most prestigious awards in the design landscape across all industries.
The German Design Award has been identifying key design trends since 2012, presenting them to a broader public and recognizing them. Extraordinary submissions in product design, communication design and architecture are selected every year.
In the ten-year anniversary year, the motto of the award, in the spirit of the pioneering design theorists Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber, is "How designers think". Particular attention is paid to the diverse ways in which designers find answers to increasingly complex topics, from new digital technologies to climate-neutral production.
The German Design Award shows these pioneering solutions and recognizes the people who stand behind them.
We are very grateful for this special award!
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